| June 19, 2024

Explore Nova Scotia with an EV Road Trip

EV automobile illustration

Our winters may be brutal, but summers in Nova Scotia are hard to beat. With so much variety across the province, from historic landmarks, quaint coastal towns, and the natural beauty of our parks and beaches, road trips are a great way to explore and take in the scenery. Hitting the road in an electric vehicle? No problem! There are over 200 public charging stations available along the way, so you’ll always find a place to plug in.

Plan your route

Whether you’re off to Cape Breton Island for stunning landscapes like the Cabot Trail, working your way along the Atlantic coast, or sipping your way through wineries in the Annapolis Valley, you can check out PlugShare’s interactive map to find charging stations along the way. They’ve even mapped out routes with a few featured road trips!

Overnight stays in boutique inns or eco-friendly accommodations are a great way to immerse yourself in local culture and enjoy the beauty of nature. Consider charming B&Bs in Lunenburg, seaside cottages in Baddeck, and eco-resorts along the Cabot Trail for an authentic Nova Scotian experience!

Consider the benefits of going Electric

Cost savings: While initial electric vehicle (EV) costs can be higher, lower fuel and maintenance expenses (along with rebate incentives in Nova Scotia) make EVs an economical choice for long-term travel. Be sure to enroll in Efficiency Nova Scotia’s Eco Shift program for even more cost savings!

In addition to being cheaper to drive and maintain, EVs are quieter – which is especially great when tying to listen to a podcast or cranking the tunes on your road trip.

Environmental impact: EVs reduce carbon emissions, particularly in a province with renewable energy sources like hydro and wind power, while burning gasoline produces greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide that contribute to climate change and poor air quality. Making the switch to an EV helps create positive change for the environment, and public health.

Road tips may be synonymous with summertime and filled with nostalgia, but that doesn’t mean they can’t get an eco-friendly refresh. So pack your bags, charge your EV, and set out on a voyage through our beautiful province this summer!